Messy Church - Dublin Meetup

What? - On Thursday 8th January 7.30pm - 9.30pm, Messy Church Regional Co-ordinators Jill Hamilton and Robert Ferris are running a Messy Meet-up and Fiesta in The Church of Ireland Theological College, Braemor Park, Dublin 14

Who's invited? - Anyone who would like to come along!

The evening will be split up into two streams

Stream 1 - For those interested in finding out what messy church means in practice - ie for those interested in starting Messy Churches - the basic how to etc ... resources and other things - A Messy Church fiesta

Stream 2 - For those already running messy church - We hope to get experience and ideas flowing ... it would be great if you could bring with you a couple of ideas to share.

We also will be thinking about good stuff that we've experienced as well as challenges we've met along the way

How Much? - We'll have a donations box to cover supper and costs

Please fill in your name, church and which stream You'd like to be apart of below